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OneTeamGov Finland unconference


Welcome to the first OneTeamGov Finland event!

Create and build relationships with a network of public sector reformers. Support positive change by enabling good ideas to flow across organisational silos and professional boundaries.

Identify opportunities to solve common problems more efficiently and effectively, utilising collective learning.

The day will take the format of an unconference: no preset agenda or speakers, participants will create the program, network and interact with the help of facilitators.

OneTeamGov Principles - Periaatteet

  1. Work in the open and positively - Toimi avoimesti ja rakentavasti

  2. Take practical action - Tartu toimeen

  3. Experiment and iterate - Kokeile, opi ja kehitä

  4. Be diverse and inclusive - Vaali moninaisuutta

  5. Care deeply about citizen - Välitä kansalaisista täydellä sydämellä

  6. Work across borders - Ylitä rajat

  7. Embrace technology - Hyödynnä teknologiaa

Sign-up here!

More info on our Facebook page and on twitter #OneTeamGovFi as the event comes closer!

We are happy to announce our sponsors for this first event: